Saturday, March 13, 2010


I did my longest run EVER: 8 miles! I did it Thursday afternoon. I was originally supposed to do 6, but then my dad was like "bump it up to 7" and then while running out I hit 37 minutes and was like what the heck, what's the extra 3 minutes out. I was feeling really good that day and I took a different route so naturally I was distracted. The weather that day was so bizarre. I ran on lakeshore path along Lake Mendota which was fogging like no other! It was crazy, I was running through clouds it seemed like. It was about 45-50 degrees out, but through the fog it easily dropped 10 degrees giving me a nice cool break. But instead of continuing the path to picnic point, i took it to the left and went towards Eagle Heights (where the 80 goes but you never really know where it is cuz it's so far). So I pass Eagle Heights and then get to Shorewood Hills. I should have just turned around after reading that sign. Shorewood HILLS. It should have been called the Shorewood Alps. But as tiring as it was, it sure was a beautiful sight. I was running along Lake Mendota Dr. which was a single road with hardly any traffic and the most beautiful homes placed on a cliff overlooking the foggy Lake Mendota. No wonder I got distracted from the time. I found my future house during this run. 3512 Lake Mendota Dr.-->the top room has 4 walls of windows and sky lights and is a studio. Can someone say H.E.A.V.E.N.? Then I had to turn around...I ran out of gas the last 2.5 miles of that run. I was just put-putting along. I wish I had a sign above me that said "On my 8th mile" so people would understand and not just think that I'm the slowest runner alive...oh well.

Going along with Katie's rant of intense people, I saw a guy cruisin with his water bottle belt on. I wanted to laugh at him, but then he was going at the speed of light. Damn those tiny light people. They can go so fast.

On a second rant, walkers are so stupid. Either you have the dumb 3-some of girls who walk in a line, which leaves no space on the side walk for me to run by. And they see me coming, but refuse to move so I'm left to run half in the mud and give the girl on the outside the chicken elbow. Or you have these crazy people who think it's a good idea to walk directly in the middle of the sidewalk and again refuse to move for the runner coming straight at them. And then there's my favorite. The zig-zag walking texters. They don't see you coming, and keep swaying to the left and right, so you can never predict where they're going to go and then you run right into them...awwwwkward.

Happy daylight savings!

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