Wednesday, May 5, 2010



Remain calm. Heres whats been going on:

I realized that I ran more miles in the first two days of this week (9 on Sunday, 6 on Tuesday), than I did in my entire first week of training (14 miles TOTAL). Thats amazing. I have come so far, and thats exciting. But the fact remains that I have not run more than 9.5 miles yet, and a half-marathon is 13.1. So thats 3.6 miles longer than I've ever gone. I will do 10 this weekend, so we'll see how that goes. Also I have no idea what the taper schedule is for a half marathon, guess its time to google that ish.

Anyway, my schedule for this week is as follows:
Sunday: 9
Monday: rest
Tuesday: 6
Wednesday: 5, hills
Thursday: 6
Friday: rest
Saturday: 4, fast
Sunday: the big 10 (probably slow, but trying to stay at 10 min/miles)

My new mantra is hydration and calories. I have been feeling so sluggish on my normal daily runs (which are now 5-7 miles...) and I think that its because I am not eating enough carbs and drinking enough water. After drinking poweraid for an entire year last year, I had grown an aversion to the stuff, but lately I have been drinking more gatoraid. I guess my body needs that. Hmm. Especially now that the weather is getting HOT, and I am sweating for hours at a time (a wonderful vision for all of you readers, Im sure).

My other worry is that I go home in a little over a week, and as much as I love the Chi, there are NO hills anywhere. Madison is hilly. I have to deal with them every day here, and thats good because I will be running the half marathon here, and there will be hills in said half marathon. So my trick is going to be finding hills in Chicago to practice on. Which might be a struggle.

I'm sure the 3 people who read this LOVE listening to me complain and worry and moan. Thats why you are here for me, yes. If anyone has ANY advice about running 13.1 miles, please hand it over. Well just have to see how this all goes....

Happy Hump Day!

1 comment:

  1. For the taper, I'd say run 5 on Sunday, cross on Monday, 3 on Tues, 4 on Wed, off Thurs and Fri, and a SUPER easy/slow 2 on Saturday.

    For the race, I like to be up 3-4 hours before hand with a solid breakfast (I go for oatmeal, Craig does a PBJ) down 3 hours before the race starts. The rest of the time can be spent getting to the start and waiting through the inevitable port-o-john lines. A warm up would be good, maybe a 5-10 minute jog followed by easy stretching. Try not to get too pumped up by the race atmosphere b/c you'll need the energy for the running. About 15 minutes before the start down an energy gel or have finished a Gatorade, the extra sugar in your system will feel good when it hits you a few miles into the run.
    Aid stations, don't be afraid to walk, it makes it easier to drink and watch those around you. Definitely go for the Gatorade and energy gels if you're used to them.

    Most importantly!: Know the pace you want to run. The last 13.1 I ran I had a last minute freak out b/c I didn't know what minute/mile I needed to PR.

    And of course, if it doesn't sound too lame or cliche, have a good time.
