Thursday, May 27, 2010


Its finally here. Taper week. How long have I looked forward to this week you ask? Way too long. It seems that since day one of this ordeal, I have wanted to be able to carbo load and not do much else for an entire week, and let me tell you, it feels damn good. Despite my inherent laziness, and the joys of not having to run 8 miles a day, I do feel a bit "clumpy". For those of you who aren't Valenti children, "clumps" is the term my Mom uses when one of us has too much energy, for instance:

"D.J.! Do you have clumps? Go spike that volleyball outside!"
"Jack, stop biting Meg and go work out the clumps."
"Katie, stop lurking. Gosh you are clumpy. Go for a run."

My lovely roommate can tell you how I get when I get the clumps, but its somewhere between me after an exciting lacrosse game and me on mountain dew, with some extra crazy eyes thrown in.

And that about describes me this week. That and I get to eat all of the carbs I want and no one can stop me. (Not that any sane person would EVER get between me and my food, but you know what I mean).

I know at this point I should have a "race plan", and I should be worried, and I should know the route by heart and have my fanny pack ready and my shoes clean and my outfit laid out. I don't. I know I'm a bad runner, but I'm trying not to take this too seriously. And by trying not to take it seriously I mean I am being my lazy self and not really caring too much. My race plan is this: run until I finish, don't start too fast, walk through aid stations. My outfit....we can let Meg decide that one (she has always been the fashionable one). I refuse to wear a fanny pack. I will not get lost on the course because there are thousands of people and signs and arrows. Even I can figure that one out. And its really not in my nature to worry. Not about stuff like this at least. This is supposed to be fun (at some point at least, maybe the first mile or so...).

If you find me on a street corner in Madison at some point on Sunday, you can point and laugh and say I told you so! You should have prepared more you ignorant first timer! But then at least help me get back to the car please.

Off to eat another baguette! (Have I mentioned that I love carbs?)

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