Monday, January 18, 2010


So here's the story:
Once upon a time, two beautiful and talented girls named Katie and Alyssa were rowers their freshmen year at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. They quit. Then they figured if they could row 3x6k (Over 11 miles of full body death on a machine called an erg) why couldn't they run a marathon, right? After watching many inspirational people we know (Katie's cousin Lauren) and dont know (people on "Biggest Loser") run marathons, then shit...they could. I mean...they were D1 athletes...right?? We'll see.

And so the journey begins...

Today, we ran around the capitol and back, (exactly 30 minutes), so we figure that's about 3 miles. GOAL ATTAINED. Not a bad start if we do say so ourselves. This blog is to update you, our friends and family, on our success, and possible failures...and funny stories we are bound to get ourselves into (like running into each other and almost getting hit by 2 separate cars). We hope you enjoy. We know the Chicago marathon is a long way away, but lets be honest...we need all that time to get our lazy crew-less asses into marathon running shape.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please feel free to let us know! We're open to those guys. Plus a large motivating factor will be how many people actually read our feel free to share!!

T-264 days..lets get it going.

xoxo (just kidding)
Katie and Alyssa


  1. YAY! I'm so excited for you two and I can't wait to read all about your adventures. :)

  2. Good luck! Enjoy the ride...err, run!
