Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fun Run!


So yesterday I was slacking...I had planned to do 6 with Alyssa early in the morning, but for some reason I could NOT sleep. I was laying in bed dreading getting up and running. It was 3:30 ish before I fell asleep, so I texted Alyssa and told her I was taking the day off. (I was already a day ahead on my schedule...). I dont know what was wrong with me, I was just psyched out I guess. I really do not like running early, and I just was not feeling the physical actvity as I lay in bed exhausted at 3 in the morning...imagine that!

This morning I woke up ready to go! I did six miles today, and I did them fast (about 55 minutes...not bad not bad!). I was just much happier mentally and physically, and I had a great time. I ran around downtown, mainly because as pretty as the Lakeshore path is, right now its muddy and gray and there is not much to look at but dirt and empty beer cans. State street was hopping, full of families and kids and street preformers and dogs to avoid. I loved it! The bad part about ending my 6 mile run by running down State street is everything smelled SOO good and I was hungry. But that is about the worst of my complaints!

I am wishfully thinking that treadmill running is over...but I have a sinking feeling I'm wrong. I mean, its March in Madison, we have at least a foot of snow left. Sigh. Keep your fingers crossed people!

Let the week begin...

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