Man, hills are the devil. Especially when in order to get back to your dorm you have to run up Bascom...It's sad when the squirrels are beating me up the hill...And you know what's ridiculous? My nose. It runs faster than I do! I'm constantly doing the nature blow or the arm wipe, but it just keeps on goin...I wish I could invent some sort of nose plug, or snot catcher, or something.
Today was also a very encouraging day for me. Last week I was having a really hard time fitting in runs, so I was feeling guilty that I hadn't hit my weekly goal, and then after I read Katie's post about how she hit 57 miles this month I thought I was really behind. But then I tallied all of mine up and I hit 60! I'm right there with you Katie! I also saw her Facebook status that her cousin was famous and had a link to the radio station she was on. "Forward is a pace." Whenever I think I'm slow, or want to walk, or want to just stop, I think of that. You're getting somewhere as long as you're moving forward, it doesn't matter how fast. So thank you Lauren for giving me inspiration!
It's shower time...I love you all!
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