Monday, January 25, 2010


Today, I realized another tough part about training for a marathon. The physical will be tough but hopefully managable, the mental will be even harder, but then there was one other aspect that I hadn't taken into consideration: Real Life. I first started training about 3.5/4 weeks ago. I was on winter break, had all the time in the world to sleep in, go for a run, stretch, shower, eat, be a couch potato, it was great. School started back up again last week, but it wasn't so bad. I still ran everyday after class, because I had nothing to do-->it was only the first week back. But today, oh lovely Monday, I was hit hard. I have readings in 3 different classes and 2 different photo assignments (which obviously sound fun, but there's a definite time aspect to them) and other drawing assignments. I'm beginning to realize that this is going to be a tough semester, and working out, nonetheless for a marathon, is going to be extremely hard to fit in. If I'm already having a hard time making time for a 3 mile run, what am I going to do when I get up to 10 and 12 during finals? Am I allowed to split them up during the day, like 6 in the morning and 6 in the afternoon? That's still 2 separate hours to fit in between class, eating, work, potty breaks, and homework. I'm geeking out. I know I can do the dang thang physically and mentally (since I'll have Katie right next to me :) ), but I have to be able to do the work beforehand in order to run the full thing. Ay yi yi. However, something else I found out after forcing myself to run the 3 stupid miles is that running is an incredible stress reliever. I just pop in my headphones and crank up the tunes, run to the rhythm, and dodge cars like Frogger and I'm all set! I can come back refreshed with a clear mind. So I know that when my days get busier and crazier, I can go out for a run and come back ready to tackle any beast. I think that's what will save me.


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